100% focus on education of football, skill development, and having fun
Coaches teach basic fundamentals of ALL positions
10 play minimum for each player
Coaches on field and in huddle
No playoffs
Game is played on a modified field
No special teams
Weight limit for ball carrier (105 lbs)
Regulation sized football field/Junior sized football used
Focus on fundamentals and development in a more competitive environment vs. Rookie Tackle
Score reporting to TVYFL
Weight Limit for ball carrier (130 lbs)
Coach allowed in huddle first 3 games of season
10 play minimum for each player
Special teams for field goals/extra points (no rush)
Teams typically play 8 game regular season
Regulation sized football field/Youth sized football used
Score reporting to TVYFL
Weight Limit for ball carrier (150 lbs)
Continue to focus on development and fundamentals in a competitive environment
Teams typically play all special teams (if agreed by both teams during week prior to game)
Teams play 8 game regular season with opportunity for up to 2 playoff games
Regulation sized football field/Youth sized football used
Score reporting to TVYFL
Weight limit for ball carrier (175 lbs)
Continue to focus on development and fundamentals preparing athletes for jump to high school football following season
Teams play all special teams (if agreed by both teams during week prior to game)Teams play 8 game regular season with opportunity for up to 3 game postseason